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Ports Of Call
Free upgrade!
Book an eligible stateroom on any qualifying sailing and receive a free upgrade! In some cases, you'll be upgraded to a more desirable location aboard your ship. In other instances, you'll be upgraded to a stateroom with extra space and/or a better view. It's also possible that you might receive all of these benefits. Select your sailing date to see which upgrades are available.
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Minimum age to sail: Infants must be at least 6 months to be eligible to travel.
Pregnancy Restrictions: NCL will not accept passengers who will have entered their 24th week of pregnancy by the time of departure.
Traveling with minors: Guests under the age of 21 must be accompanied in the same or connecting stateroom by a passenger 21 years or older, who expressly agrees to be responsible for the under-21 passenger throughout the cruise. This includes, but is not limited to, preventing the purchase or consumption of alcohol and preventing the violation of any ship rules.
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